Pianos Vius lends a piano to the Sacred Heart Hospital in Martorell
Abel participates in the program El Piano, on La Sexta, and explains the origins of Pianos Vius and the reason for the association's first piano.
UN PIANO PER A REVIURE. Article by Mercè Ibarz echoing the campaign launched by Pianos Vius to obtain a piano for the Societat Musical d'Algemesí, a town in Valencia affected by DANA.
An interview to Abel Coll, founder of Pianos Vius, is made in the program 'El Taller del Luthier', where he explains the beginnings and the current state of the association.
El Periódico includes the new of the Piano Viu recently installed in the hall of the Viladecans Hospital.
Student Laia Güell Jorba and the Marist school in Igualada, awarded with the Premsa Marcalal Solidarity Award for her article on Live Pianos.
Pianos que curan.
The Joan March Hospital of Mallorca is the second one in the island in receiving a 'Piano Viu', which will fill the music the center.
The newspaper 'Última hora' has covered the new of the inauguration of this Piano Viu.
IB3 late news covers the inauguration of the Piano Viu of the Joan March Hospital of Mallorca.
VIDA DELS PIANOS. Article by Mercè Ibarz giving a very emotional vision of the Pianos Vius project.
Interview to Abel Coll (president of Pianos Vius) in 'El Submarí' program of Radio Terrassa. It begins at the point 1h 5m, and lasts around 10 minutes.
A free-use piano will fill the Casal Anna Murià with music.
The Pianos Vius project finds a place in the Casal Anna Murià in Terrassa.
The musical instrument is incorporated into the equipment bar and will be available to all citizens who want to use it.
The Fundació Sanitària Mollet, which manages the Mollet del Vallès hospital, has installed a piano in the health center cafeteria. It is the tract of an initiative that has been established in collaboration with the Associació Pianos Vius, a non-profit entity that aims to bring music to the public.
Concert at the Mollet Hospital to demonstrate the links between music and health.
The Piano Viu of the Hospital de Mollet more alive than ever! The Escola Municipal de Música i Dansa de Mollet has performed in a concert dedicated to women composers.
The communication department of the Hospital de Sant Joan de Déu reports on the success of the Inseparables 2023 charity gala, in which Pianos Vius was very present accompanying Rigoberta Bandini and Sira, a hospital patient, on the piano.
In the program 'Bàsics' they broadcast the report 'Pianos Vius: 88 keys with social function'. A report on Pianos Vius, where they show the cases of Aftab (a young man with disabilities who, during his treatment at the Hospital Clínic, came down to play the piano every day), and Santiago (a homeless person who goes to play regularly the piano of the Assis reception center).
The newspaper El9Nou.cat collects the news of the inauguration of the Piano Viu that we have placed in the Hospital de Mollet, in the article 'L'Hospital de Mollet posa un piano a disposició dels pacients a l'entrada de la cafeteria'.
The newspaper El9Nou.cat collects the news of the inauguration of the Piano Viu that we have placed in the Hospital de Mollet, in the article 'L'Hospital de Mollet instal·la un piano perquè pugui ser tocat per qui ho vulgui'.
In the program 'Mediodía Cope' they have included 10 minutes talking about Live Pianos and in particular, the cases of Drago, of Kelly (a blind woman who has won a scholarship to learn to play the piano after having practiced many days at the Clinic's Piano Viu), and Mauricio, the boy who regularly plays at the Clinic's Piano Viu.
The newspaper La Vanguardia publishes the story of Drago, the homeless man who regularly goes to play the Piano Viu at the Hospital Clínic from Barcelona.
Do you want to see the already published Pianos Vius newsletters?
January 2022, February 2022, March 2022, April 2022, May 2022, June 2022, July 2022, September 2022, October 2022, November 2022, December 2022
January 2023, February 2023, March 2023, Abril 2023, May 2023, June 2023, July 2023, September 2023, October 2023, November 2023, December 2023
January 2024, February 2024, March 2024, Abril 2024, May 2024, June 2024, July 2024, September 2024, October 2024, November 2024, December 2024